News Presenter on Triple R Radio

Through RMIT University, I completed two RRR news bulletin shifts where I pitched stories to an experienced producer, wrote bulletins, recorded interviews and presented live on air. 

RRR News Bulletin: Federal Budget, 14 May 2024

RRR News Bulletin: 02 May 2024 

SYN FM Radio Show

The Hoist is an ongoing SYN FM radio show aimed at 'giving local music a lift'. For season 1 of 2022, I produced weekly shows with my co-host Lola, which aired every Wednesday from 6-8pm. 

We researched artists, conducted interviews with Australian musicians, wrote scripts, presented and edited each show. 

Sample show 

(featuring interview with Georgia Maq of Camp Cope)

Sample show 

(featuring interview with Maddy Herbert of Velvet Bloom)